Tohru y Kanna están listas para servir con estas figuras de Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S


A promotional image for the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Tohru and Kanna figures from Union Creative featuring both figures posed side-by-side in a kitchen setting. The figures feature Kanna and Tohru in traditional black-and-white maid outfits, and both characters are performing a curtsy and lifting the edges of their aprons.


Si les gusta que tus sirvientas dragón sean aún más doncellas que antes están de suerte, porque Union Creative va a lanzar un par de figuras de Tohru y Kanna con sus trajes especiales de doncella tradicional de Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S.


A promotional image of the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Tohru figure from Union Creative featuring a medium closeup view of the figure from the front.


A promotional image of the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Tohru figure from Union Creative featuring a view of the figure from the front.


A promotional image of the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Tohru figure from Union Creative featuring a view of the figure from the rear. Tohru's massive reptilian tail is visible poking out from beneath her skirts.



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A promotional image for the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Kanna figure from Union Creative featuring a medium closeup view of the figure from the front.


A promotional image for the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Kanna figure from Union Creative featuring a view of the figure from the front.


A promotional image for the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S Kanna figure from Union Creative featuring a view of the figure from the rear. Kanna's little spikey tail is visible poking out from beneath her skirts.


Las figuras Tohru y Kanna de Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S están fabricadas en ATBC-PVC y ABS prepintadas y ya están disponibles para su reserva a través de la página web oficial de Union Creative. Los pedidos por adelantado están abiertos hasta el 1 de marzo de 2023, y el envío del producto final a Japón está previsto para noviembre de 2023.


El precio de venta de la figura de Tohru es de ¥27,500 yenes (unos $209.89 dólares estadounidenses), impuestos incluidos, mientras que el de la figura de Kanna es de ¥22,000 yenes (unos $167.91 USD), impuestos incluidos. Cada figura se vende por separado.



Fuente: Anime! Anime!




Fuente: Crunchyroll

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